新年快乐!这是一个激动人心的time and what better time than now to start planning for your dream job? Maybe your friends want to rekindle lost friendships? Others might want to work on their newly discovered talent? But you as a job seeker want to make sure that 2011 is the year you find your dream job! And that doesn’t just magically happen(wouldn’t that be convenient?) So to start you out fresh we have laid out 8 tips you should do in 2011.

1) Know Your Goals:

Before going out and throwing yourself out there ask yourself what you really want out of your career. This might seem simple but it is crucial, maybe you’ve been focused on getting hired and forgot your goals. Spend some time focused on figuring out what you really want out of your job search. This will help you avoid getting stuck, landing the wrong job and leave you unfulfilled. Maybe it’s also time to think about whether you should stay on your current side. After doing that stick to it.

2) Network, Network, Network:

Most jobs don’t get posted. That’s a truth that you need to know about job searching. Even if they are networking makes you more visible to a potential employer. 2011 will be the year you are discovered by your dream boss. Network doesn’t have to start at event, it might be in person or even through social media. This will keep you in the loop of up and coming opportunities, plus when your coveted company has a vacancy you’re face might be the first thing they see.

3) Elevator Pitch:

If you’re going to be networking in 2011, it’s important you have your elevator pitch perfected. Your elevator pitch is a concise way to introduce yourself to new contacts. Make sure you have all the vital information about yourself, but keep it short and sweet. The idea is to make enough of a lasting impression that they want more. Think of yourself as a movie trailer, you wouldn’t want to give the ending away before the release right? This will also be helpful in the interview process, whether it’s in person or through online video, when the interviewer asks you to tell them a little bit about yourself.

4) Get Seen:

Visual media is everywhere you look now, from your college friends posting Facebook pictures to your father suddenly tweeting about the latest news. The modern world is obsessed with visual media, and the job search isn’t much different. If you can find a way to make an impression visually, you’ll be more likely to grab the attention of hiring managers. Don’t just submit a pdf document, instead look for creative ways to brand yourself. Infographics inclusive properly designed resumes go a long way to ensure that you are noticed. Why not record a video showing off your public speaking skills? How about writing a slickly designed article? It’s all about making the images work for you.

5) Focus on Time Management:

Time management is everything. Since you don’t have time to apply to every job opening, focus on managing your time by only applying for the jobs you’d really and truly love to have. Make sure both the position itself and the company culture are a good fit. At the very least the jobs you apply for should balance either one of those things.

6) Keep Learning:

Education never stops. It is a fact of life and you must abide by it, find out what skills are required in your field of interest and build those skills. Take a certification course or even spend some time with someone in a different department to find out how other aspects of the company work. Make sure you never stay stagnant in your career and who knows what doors you might be opening for yourself in the future.

7) Give Yourself a Break:

Yes, there are lot of factors in the job hunt and it is tough. However, if you spend 100 percent of your time hunting for a job, you will be easily frustrated and burnout. Don’t forget to relax and take occasional breaks. Make time for the things which are important to you, so you can return to the search refreshed and should you get the job you pursued, you will start afresh.

8) Don’t forget to register for Ethiojobs:

Ethiojobs is the number one source of good jobs in the country. You never know, your dream job could be with us. To learn more visit our website.

We hope that you will find these tips useful. What are your new years resolutions? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Ethiojobs

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